Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's My Birthday!!

I celebrated my 51st birthday this week. I can remember being in my teens and twenties thinking how old 50 would be. Now I am so excited to be 51. Surviving cancer puts each new day in the perspective of a blessing. I am approaching my 3rd year out as a cancer survivor. I was told that I had a 90 percent chance the cancer will come back within 5 years. So I try to celebrate every time I can.

Rob was so sweet! He surprised me at work with roses. It is special to grow old and spend the last years of your life with a childhood sweet heart. The girls at work asked how long we had been married, I said 30 years this June. They were surprised  when I told them we have known each other almost all our lives and we were (pre) High School sweet hearts. They did not believe me. I explained it was common among  the people my age from Antlers. I told them we have several friends who have been married as long as we have.

This year I wanted to do  "something" to celebrate and mark the date. I tried to have a blow out party last year and it only blew out. It is so difficult to get all my family together on the same weekend and always seems to just cost so dang much to do anything. I have not let go of having a birthday party, it is still on my bucket list. So is floating the river in San Antonio (fat and Lop sided) ha ha!

Now back to this "something" I did to celebrate this year. I should have known from the get-go that just about anything you find to do in our small town turns out to be "cheesy". We made some good memories any way! LOL

The ad read "Big Top Circus" wow a circus that will be fun. And my granddaughter Finli is 11 months old so she will have some fun too.
As luck would have it my daughter was able to attend and bring her nephew. I watched his parents grow up so he is special to me also.
The sound in Sarah's voice when she called to tell me she was at the site for the circus was not the excitement I had anticipated to hear it was more of dismay .The call went something like..Mom, we are out here where the circus is supposed to be. I do not see much. (me) No circus tents?  No   (me) Any circus animals?  Uh no the only animals I see around is a Shetland Pony and a goat!  My heart sank then the humor set in. I am going to a circus to see a goat!
When we arrived at the convention center the circus was being held inside. Too late to back out and I really wanted to do my "something " to mark this date!  The sign read "amazing house cats" I said see they will have Cats, then I noticed the emphasis on "House Cats" that's what they were plain old house cats! Well trained but not Lions or Tigers.
It was still a good time spent with my children and granddaughter. I will  remember the look on Ben's face all night. He so wanted to say "Really MOM" but he was a good sport.
Now I have a new item on my list. Just as Janet Joplin said I must make Amends. So the goal is to make it to a "real" Circus with all my children. Watch out Ringling Brothers. I am saving my money for front row seats when they come to town.

 Oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz.
My friends all drive porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends.
So oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz