Friday, June 8, 2012

Port to Port

My thoughts were in the right place or so I thought!
 You see I can not sail and enjoy it due to recent surgery on my back and multiple surgery for breast cancer. Plus the fact that I get sea SICK!
So this left the "Captain" in need of a first mate. This brings in to play my best friend. She had not been on a sail boat before and had the needed strength to help sail. Plus she was in a situation she needed a break from. I thought WIN WIN!!  My "friend" could go a nice little day sail while my husband the "Captain" would have crew for the trip. I should have remember how that turned out for the S S Minnow. Another day cruise that left lives changed for ever.
What the #%*@ was i thinking.
No more will I trust any one, betrayal by those you trust and love will cut you to the bone.
Married for 30 years friends for 15  Stabbed in back and heart in minutes by both.
Now I find myself with pieces so broken they can never be put back together.
WOW I fought the hell out of cancer for life only to have the value of it taken from me by so many.