Saturday, January 21, 2012


As a child I grew up loving my parents and siblings. I can remember crying when my mom would leave me. I also remember crying when my brother (Robert Alonzo Morris Jr.) went to vietnam. I did not know my biological father until I was 16. I found out I had 2 (Other brothers) and a 1/2 sister that had already passed from a brain aneurysm. I did meet my Grandmother on my fathers side and enjoyed spending time with her. I was known as a Morris child and loved my sisters and brother as if we were full brother and sisters. Daddy loved me as his own. Not because he had to but because he wanted too. He never once said anything about me not being his child. I am sure this was not just out of love for me but for my mom. Mom married Robert Morris they has 2 children, Carolyn and Alonzo. She then married Jack Suthered and they had Francis. She then married my father and divorced before I was born. She said Robert had always told her if she needed anything to call. So when I was born she called him and told him she had just had me and needed help getting back to Push.Co so she could get Carolyn and Lonzo back in school. Daddy had been saving money to buy a new Buick. That is the money he used to come to Norman and bring us back to Finley. So he called me his little Buick. When my mom passed there was a plant delivered that had the note for a beautiful wonderful lady I am so happy I knew you. Made me smile Mom still had it! Wish I knew the man that sent it to her. Now back to my thought for today....we start out loving our families as children. Our hearts are continent for a while. Then we start dating and think we fall in love for some hundreds of times. Then we meet that someone special that just takes our heart away. Once again we feel continent. Then we find that the two of us have so much love together that we need to share it. Thus..the birth of my first child. I did not know my heart had any room left for more love until I held that precious baby girl, I was overwhelmed by love. Looking at her and falling in love was amazing. She made my world. I thought this is it I am complete. Oh was I ever wrong..When I found out I was going to have another child I could feel my heart grow with love. Then to find out I was having a Son!! WOW who could ask for more! A daughter and a son!! I have loved them with ever fiber of my being. I had absolutley no idea that becoming a "Granny" could bring so much love into my heart. Just to see Finli's sweet little face makes me smile. Now I look forward to my daughter having her first child. I can only imagine how much love will grow in my heart when I first see that sweet little face.  Waiting to love more.......

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hump Day!!

Well it kinda fits I feel like I've been F*&%#@.  I became overwhelmed with the fear my cancer would come back. I am happy have a great job wonderful friends and family. I am working on my bucket list . Today it just got to me I still fight the fatigue and deal with the pain everyday. I am just scared
I will run out of time before I see and do all the things I want to. The number one item on my list is spending time with my family. I love them so much and wish we could just fill up our hearts with good memories.
Why is it you become famous after you die?

I know today was just to steal God's Glory in the fact that I am healed. So I am not going to let that happen.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday, Monday

Oh days like today make me so thankful to come home to peace and quite! I just love living in the woods. The air smelled so clean today after the rain. Even the frogs are happy and singing
 I cut a head of cabbage  from the garden and picked some lettuce for a nice salad. Going to have a really good meal. Then kick back put my feet up and watch a movie.  And try to let the day just roll away. It is difficult to do, you see I really just hate being taken advantage of. Lied to and manipulated. Life is too Fing short to play games. Found out someone I know has stage 4 lung cancer spread  to liver,kidney and bones.  What a day!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A little "bit" about me

I grew up in the small rural community of Finley, Oklahoma ( also known as Finley I T. )  in southeast Oklahoma.We owned the general store and post office. I worked in both of them. That was back in the day when you knew how to make change and count it back to the customer! We did not just hand it to them in a wad and say here is your receipt.  
I went to first grade in a one room school house. It was divided down the middle. I think it was grades 1-4 in one side then 5-8 on the other. We started the day with a prayer, the pledge  and a song.
I still carry at least 2 bags every day!  LOL


WOW what a week!  I really hope we are getting all the drama for the year out of the way this week. Not setting the standard for the year.
For this to be a 4 day work week I am exhausted. I really love my job. However being in a management position is like being a parent. It really has a lot of responsibility. I find myself helping my coworkers with some of their life issues as well as the ones at work. In all honesty they do go hand in hand. I am reluctant to say to I am thankful for the drama life has given me. So I will just say having those times to fall back on as examples to help someone today is making me a better person. See all things do happen for a reason and in God's timing we can see that and use those hard times to bless and guide others.

My prayer for today. Father God thank you for letting be in the position to help others. Please speak thru me
so that I will have the words and wisdom to share what each one needs. Please guide my thoughts and words so that every thing I say and do will work to your glory.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year/New Blog

This is a first for me. I have thought about keeping a journal for several years. I am now at a place in my life that I believe I can write about my life in a manner that will give God glory and hope to those that read this.