Friday, January 6, 2012


WOW what a week!  I really hope we are getting all the drama for the year out of the way this week. Not setting the standard for the year.
For this to be a 4 day work week I am exhausted. I really love my job. However being in a management position is like being a parent. It really has a lot of responsibility. I find myself helping my coworkers with some of their life issues as well as the ones at work. In all honesty they do go hand in hand. I am reluctant to say to I am thankful for the drama life has given me. So I will just say having those times to fall back on as examples to help someone today is making me a better person. See all things do happen for a reason and in God's timing we can see that and use those hard times to bless and guide others.

My prayer for today. Father God thank you for letting be in the position to help others. Please speak thru me
so that I will have the words and wisdom to share what each one needs. Please guide my thoughts and words so that every thing I say and do will work to your glory.

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